Monthly Customized Coaching Program
Online coaching ONLY
Biweekly Coaching Sessions:
Scheduled 35-minute Zoom calls every week to establish SMART goals for upcoming weeks. Topics include meal timing, hydration, physical activity, work-life balance, personal issues regarding health (diabetes, weight gain, weight loss, obesity, cancer, hyperthyroidism, etc.), and more. Discussion covers creating daily schedules, meal plans, morning and night routines, and shopping lists.
Supportive Communication Channels:
Access to coach 24/7
Availability for text and voice message check-ins to address client questions and provide support as needed, outside of Zoom check-ins.
Daily Accountability Tracking:
Utilization of Google Spreadsheets for daily check-ins and accountability tracking. Clients update their progress, activities, and adherence to goals on a shared document.
Positive Language Mastery:
Coaching on reframing language to promote positive thinking in work-related contexts, fostering a more optimistic mindset and productive work environment.
Nutritional Education and Tracking:
Education on macronutrients and introduction to MyFitnessPal for food tracking. Personal macronutrients are calculated and provided for the client.
Guidance on vitamin and supplement intake, along with a breakdown of protein, carbs, and fats from various food sources to your specific needs.
Food Labeling and Portion Control Education:
Instruction on interpreting food labels, measuring portions accurately, and understanding serving sizes to support healthy eating habits.
Meal Guidance Plans
4 days’ worth of meals for first alongside timing catered to your specific interests and that cater to your dietary needs.
Progress Tracking and Adjustments:
Regular assessment of measurements, progress photos, and weigh-ins to ensure clients are on track with their goals (shred body fat, build muscle, maintain, etc.). Adjustments to plans are made as needed.
pH-Balanced Diet Recommendations:
Recommendations for including pH-balanced foods in daily meals to support overall health and well-being.
Food recommendations to combat issues such as bloating, energy levels, and overall health concerns.
Customized Training Plan and Feedback:
Creation of personalized training programs with instructional videos.
Feedback is provided on the training form, per the client’s request, with adjustments made along the way to optimize performance and prevent injury.