Customized Calculation of Caloric Intake & Macronutrients

Tailored Explanation Video and Email with Macronutrient Breakdown:

  • Personalized video explanation accompanied by an email detailing your specific macronutrient requirements.

Individualized Body Calculations:

  • Customized calculations for your body, including calorie and macronutrient targets, are designed to help you achieve your physique goals, whether it's weight loss, muscle gain, or maintenance.

Guidance Video and Resources for Macro Tracking:

  • Video tutorials and supplementary resources offer guidance on effectively tracking macronutrients to ensure accurate and consistent monitoring of your nutrition.

Healthy Macronutrient Recommendations:

  • A curated list of nutritious macronutrient sources tailored to meet your daily dietary needs and support your overall health and wellness goals.

ADD ON: Customized Meal Plans

***This plan is ONLY included with calculations

Customized meal plan for one single day that includes calorie and macronutrient breakdown.